Scroll over each picture to read fun facts about PF Young Guns!

On average, each event we hold has an attendance of 100 children under the age of 18.

We hold an annual banquet for Pheasants Forever that has about 350 people fed. We raffle off about 25 guns each year, have kids and women's raffles, cook steak and chicken for everyone, and have games just for the kids to play. Don't miss the next one!

We hold at least two youth hunts per year. Any child that has their Hunter's Safety Card are able to participate. It's always a blast and hardly any children leave without at least one bird!

In January of 2014, a group representing PF Young Guns traveled to Peoria, IL for the annual Pheasants Forever State Meeting. During their banquet, they presented Dan Ihrke with the Volunteer of the Year for all he does for our organization. Thank you Dan, and congratulations!

We recently began our high school shooting team in Loda IL. Kids are welcome from any school, and practice once a week. We travel to competitions in Burlington, WI and Sparta, and always have a good time!

In 2014, the PF Young Guns group traveled to Milwaukee, WI for the Annual Pheasants Forever Pheasant Fest. It was there that two of our leaders, Fred and Lisa Magers won the first-ever No Child Left Indoors Leadership Award. We are very proud of them, and appreciate all of the dedication they have towards our program!